Other reports

East gov’t statement on recent militant attacks (Ar)

Libyan Political Agreement – December 2015

Bayda NOC statement on transactions with Tripoli NOC

GNC statement on UN peace talks (Ar)

Eastern NOC statement on ports

Tobruq gov't statement 76 of 2015 on IS attack on Es Sider (Ar)

Tobruq gov't statement 74 of 2015 on dealing with the NOC (Ar)

Health ministry license and regulations (private sector)

GNC statement regarding Tobruq’s request for foreign intervention (Ar)

Tobruq gov’t statement 59 of 2015 on kidnapping of four Italian citizens (Ar)

Tobruq gov't statement 50 of 2015 on an attempt by a tanker to enter Es Sider port

GNC statement on sanctions against member (Ar)

Tobruq Government statement 49 of 2015 on UN talks (Ar)

Tripoli gov't statement on illegal immigration (English)

Tobruq government statement 31 of 2015 on public salaries (Ar)

Tripoli statement on Saudi-led intervention in Yemen (Arabic)

GNC press statement on UN talks (Arabic)

NOC board statement

Tobruq government statement 21 of 2015 on dealing with the NOC

Tobruq government statement 21 of 2015 on dealing with the NOC (Arabic)

Toburq government statement 16 of 2015 on comments made by the UK’s UN envoy

UN Panel of Experts February 2015 report

GNC statement on UN Security Council meeting

GNC statement on execution of Egyptian nationals and Egyptian airstrikes

Tobruq government statement 9 of 2015 on execution of Egyptian workers

GNC statement on Corinthia hotel attack

Tobruq government statement 7 of 2015 on Corinthia hotel attack

Tobruq government statement on death of King Abdullah

Tobruq statement 8 of 2015 on supply of agricultural equipment

Tobruq statement 5 of 2015 on “religious police” in Tripoli

GNC statement on UN talks

Tobruq government statement 4 of 2015 on Paris attack

Tobruq government statement 3 of 2015 on Arab League support

Tobruq foreign ministry statement on kidnap of Egyptians in Sirte

GNC statement on recent airstrikes (Arabic)

HoR statement on clashes at oil ports (Arabic)

Tobruq government statement 28 of 2014 on attack on oil ports (Arabic)

LAP statement condemning "kidnapping" of employee (Arabic)

GNC statement following UN envoy visit (Arabic)

HoR statement on UN peace talks (Arabic)

Tobruq government statement on airstrikes in Benghazi (Arabic)

Tobruq government statement "on entry of Libyan army into Tripoli" (Arabic)

GNC on current situation in Libya (Arabic)

GNC November 2014 statement

GNC letter to constituent assembly (Arabic)

LAP November 2014 statement (Arabic)

HoR statement marking first year anniversary of "Gharghour Massacre"

HoR statement on Operation Dignity (Arabic)

HoR statement on UN initiative (Arabic)

HoR statement on Supreme Court ruling

Tobruq government – statement 17 of 2014 on visit of Turkish envoy

HoR Statement number 10 on "Liberation of Benghazi"

HoR statement on "army’s respect of international law"

HoR statement on UN-sponsored talks

Government statement on HoR approved cabinet

List of ‘ministers’ in GNC-backed government

GNC human rights committee report

GNC on formation of salvation goverment

HoR statement on GNC-backed government

GNC statement regarding CBL

Government statement on Sudanese plane incident

Government statement on ministerial buildings in Tripoli

UNSMIL / UN Human Rights Council report on Libya

WHO Libya report

Government statement on control of ministerial buildings

Government statement requesting all armed groups to vacate cities

UN Resolution 2174

Government resignation statement

Government statement regarding UN Resolution 2174

Government statement on closure of state TV channels

Government statement on Tripoli airstrikes

Government statement on Benghazi clashes

Government statement on security situation (Ar)

Government statement on airport clashes (Ar)

A statement issued on 2 July by the Central Bank of Libya (CBL) regarding the Law 13 of 2014 on approving the general budget.

Government statement on Ramadan working hours

Government statement on general budget

Government statement on the general situation of the country

HNEC map for parliamentary elections

Government statement on release of Jordanian ambassador

List of municipalities under local government ministry

Final report on procedures of monitoring and selling oil

Government statement regarding bombing in Benghazi

Government statement regarding seizure of Morning Glory

Audit Bureau 2013 report (Arabic)

Audit Bureau 2012 report

Derna Local Council 2013 contracts

Statement regarding kidnapping of a Libyan citizen

GNC statement regarding bribery allegations

GNC statement regarding the kidnapping of defence minister's son

Searching for the Finance-Growth Nexus in Libya (IMF Working Paper)

The Day After Tomorrow: Designing an Optimal Fiscal Strategy for Libya (IMF Working Paper, published March 2013)

Hitchhiker's Guide to Inflation in Libya (IMF Working Paper)

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