Other data
Domestic production of petroleum products, 2008- H1 2017
Breakdown of schools by official/unofficial status, per district
Students by Year (1-3) and subject in secondary education, 2012
Students in Years 1-3 of secondary education, by subject and gender
Pupils, schools and classes for basic education by region, 2012
Pupils in Years 1-9 of basic education in Libya, by district
Fixed-line telephone subscriptions in Libya, 2000-11
Students in secondary education in Libya, 2009-10
Figures listing Libya's 15 commercial banks by deposits as of 30 September 2013.
Figures listing Libya's 15 commercial banks by asset size as of 30 September 2013.
Selected macroeconomic indicators taken from the IMF World Economic Outlook, October 2013.
Percentage of individuals using the internet in Libya, 2000 - 2012