Energy data
Domestic consumption of petroleum products, 2007-H1 2017
Zueitina terminal force majeure (November 2015)
National Oil Corporation (NOC) exports for Q1 2014
Crude oil refined by domestic refineries, January-November 2013
NOC share of crude exports by blend and destination, January-November 2013
Foreign companies' share of oil exports, April 2013
NOC share of crude exports by blend and destination, April 2013
Foreign companies' share of oil exports, January 2013
Crude oil refined by domestic refineries, January 2013
Statistics: Crude oil price by blend and export terminal, 2006-11
Statistics: Crude oil price by blend and export terminal, 2006-H1 2017
Statistics: Crude oil exports by blend and destination, 2012
Statistics: Foreign companies' share of oil production, 2012
NOC share of crude exports by blend and destination, January 2013
Foreign companies' share of oil exports, January 2013
Crude oil refined by domestic refineries, February 2013
Foreign companies' share of oil exports, February 2013
NOC share of crude exports by blend and destination, February 2013
Crude oil refined in domestic refineries, April 2013